Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818
January 31, 2025

January diary

January diary 2025

Jan 31st Friday

Cool and pleasant to start, send email, photograph exhibition, worked on nickel silver heart bird,sue visited, did chicken bits for tea  watched big bang by 2,silent witness

Jan 30th Thursday

Cool and pleasant to start, new exhibition to be hung, Worked on melting man, talked to Leslie from Neerim Sth helped hang exhibition 5 visitors, m picked up kids from school, did rissoles for tea, watched this might hurt, very real, end of Qi, big bang

Jan 29th Wednesday

Cool and pleasant, warmed up but nice breeze, M off to get kids to school, Writers group,John came and joined in writers, 2 visitors  I finished off the other 3 dogs I cut out bodies for yesterday, shopped at bunnings for rods and discs, aldi, reading the old man, M picked up kids from school and had long wait until K home from san remo.did lasagna for tea watched last episode of missing you, lots of chaos in ending,hard quiz, optics,big bang and wilty

Jan 28th Tuesday

Cool and pleasant showered overnight, No Belinda, M off to help kids, theo has sore arm, jeff and Rodney interview today gave Rodney a small painting from Mt Baw Baw, Ros to take exhibition down wayne dropped in,I cut up fallen branches  painted sticks and stones 2, cut up rail for small dogs did one, nap, visited M with kids played with mae,Theos arm ok, shop, home for fish finger burger Pilates, watched missing you and big bang.

Jan 27th Monday

Holiday, meant to be 38-42, worked on doing stones for middle of big piece, then welded second side, painted with penetrol,The boys did flowers and circles,  Mig played up a bit, lunch nap and research did chicken for tea watched night agent,the rookie,every good deed and big bang.

Jan 26th Sunday

Australia day, fine and mild, coolish to warm up,work on new big piece.all of one side welded, nap, did teriyaki noodles for tea, watched the darkness and man in the middleas well as cats countdown( statistics) and big bang

Jan 25th Saturday

Holiday long weekend Fine and mild, sunny, Julieanne to garden Kath and jerry  to pick up alices curl 2,painted twins and do emu and start on new big piece, 11 people visited, M went to see em and took her shopping, napped, snitzel for tea, watched silent witness wilty and big bang

Jan 24th Friday

Fine and mild welded second side of big piece put on base and painted, M to go with kids to visit Pakenham playground, bit too big and scary for mae and theo, I shopped and got birth of a gallery from library, very thin, read did casserole and sausages for tea after nap,watched back in action good fun,and last episode of earth abides and big bang

Jan 23rd Thursday

Fine and mild, working on welding big piece,finished one side, then did 4 chooks  M to go with K and kids swimming,4 visitors then 4 more bought 3 chooks and kookaburra, did casserole for tea, cooled down showered, watched earth abides and missing you and every good  and big bang

Jan 22nd Wednesday

Fine and mild coolish, Emilys birthday ,worked on big piece gathered most of infill, welded ½ of one side, John worked in arvo and met writers group, wayne dropped in, M to help K get rid of stuff, Ks back is better,  I delivered 2 sculptures 2 people visited, shopped at longwarry and Drouin, did chicken scrolls for tea watched 2 episodes of black snow, then big bang, Emily upset over small problem,

Jan 21st Tuesday

Fine and mild to get hot, Trump sworn in as president, slimy lying aggressive idiot, no Belinda, she got in a snit with the mig and went home, I finished emu and started new big piece, made the frame shape and started gathering bits to put in, stopped at 11 as it was getting hot, finished Dusk reading shipwreck book, M helped K and mae helped her shop,sausage in bread for tea, Pilates,watched the rookie and big bang

Jan 20th Monday

Fine and mild to be hot The boys worked on stake sharpener and cutlery flowers I  paint curl again finished off a small vase ,did base for sculpture and started an emu  Mal white and Tracelle came to discuss Mals exhibition next month, talked to 2.30, lunch nap reading forests and pastures history Made chickpea pasta watched black snow, the darkness cats countdown and big bang

Jan 19th Sunday

Fine and sunny no wind, worked on welding second ½ of curl and put it on base and painted with penetrol, Steve Jackson dropped in to see M, nap research  did pancakes and pineapple fritters for tea, watched bit of norman conquest with alice Roberts, then rex and news and big bang reading dusk

Jan 18th Saturday

Fine and sunny with SW wind all day, kept temperature down, went and dealt with Ms car that had broken down, trip to bursons after Racv sorted it out, shopped and haircut 2 naps , bit of research rang Russell Handley, did sizzle steak and pasta for tea, did some more write ups and updated website. Watched bad boys for life, ho hum, and big bang

Jan 17th Friday

Fine and mild bit washed out, Bobby coming back to weld today, I turned over curl piece and started on second side, finished a vase and recycled another wooden vase, caleb came and took honey home, nap, washed out, reading dusk thai takeaway for tea, watched dr karl and toilet paper, Miriam Margolyes in NZ, big bang and pointless.

Jan 16th Thursday

Cool and fine, M went to Traralgon to get car fuses replaced, I worked on finishing one side of curl piece, did 2 vases, John came and worked on pieces, Caleb came by mid afternoon and dropped off Honey. 2 visitors Did chicken Kiev for tea,finished Never Never by  couple of walks watched no good deed, the darkness wisting, and big bang, slept in calebs room very restless night Minded honey and Gracie

Jan 15th Wednesday

Cool and pleasant, Don and Daphne and Pauli didn’t come as well as caleb  K and kids for lunch,tidy up and cook and shop, writers group back lady came and bought 3 vases, did a load of washing changed from muggy to rainy for ½ day good lunch kids off to speech and then home K to chiropractor, sausages for tea watched the darkness, dragon prince, wilty and big bang

Jan 14th Tuesday

Coolish and foggy in morning to be clear and sunny by lunchtime, Lisa smith and Bobby  , coming to do metalwork, No Belinda,showed bobby how to Mig and arc, got car unloaded and did the frame for second part of alices curl, mostly filled in, 2 others visited stopped at 1.30 lunch nap reading warragul history, sausage rolls for tea pilates, wathed the rookie and big bang, Caleb and Honey stayed overnight.

Jan 13th Monday

Cooler, muggy and hotter as day went on  tidy up shed, get Mig set up, M helped with Ks kids then worked on shares, started on alices second curl Tony took mig to Dales, tony worked on his spider and pete did the stake sharpener, I got ¼ of alices curl done, got warmer, Ros and sister in law were at gallery after lunch nap then went to Longwarry to get flat bar, home for another nap made sausage rolls and oat cake, watched 2 episodes of black doves and big bang  and black snow

Jan 12th Sunday

Fine and mild not as hot as yesterday, muggy at first warmed up  finished bosch book, fixed arc, finished note birdfeeder, set up older mig, people came and gathered their sculptures into back of car, morning tea, nap Tim came for lunch, nap read wild wives, pretty trashy, started Dusk, did chicken and potato salad for tea, watched 2 episodes of Lidia Poet and big bang

Jan 11th Saturday

Fine and warm to be hot, mowed across rd, worked on flowered birdbath, painted underside of clef, started note birdbath, unloaded car of discs, Mig died, then arc died, 10 people visited in morning, 2 bought stuff, Ros came out with friends they bought a painting, read the black echo in arvo, nap, Pizza for tea smallish thunder shower, watched rebel ridge, ok, and big bang

Jan 10th Friday

Fine and cool, warmed up over day to 30ish,  finish up one birdbath  and paint, and start another 2, shopped for wheels got plough discs and stuff from bunnings, naps reading bosch black echo and some research in SIB, did frankfurts and rice for tea watched Luke Nugyen in india, then wisting, cats countdown and big bang, walk around garden, some warmth left.

Jan 9th Thursday

Fine and sunny, work on birdbath did one with a clef and 2 dishes, lady coming to buy art book, other lady bought 3 pieces, John worked most of afternoon, M to help sort shares, I shopped for tablets and catfood and money for JA, had steak sandwiches for tea Caleb and Honey visited, watched earth abides and big bang

Jan 8th Wednesday

Fine and sunny, tidied, mowed, vacuumed gallery, M went and helped K and shopped Whelans for lunch, talked to nearly 4, naps and reading, not much tea watched black doves, Harlan Coben show, wilty and Big bang,

Jan 7th Tuesday

Cooler, no rain, M went and helped K in morning chiropractor and dentist, Belinda’s car broke down. I went and helped her until it was towed to her house about 12, I assembled 2 vases and 3 animal pieces, read in afternoon after nap, finished sharpes Prey started the prize, chicken in a wrap for tea, Pilates Bed, watched the rookie and big bang

Jan 6th Monday

Cooler,drizzled 2/3 day , M went to help K in afternoon, shopped, the boys,worked on spider and mulch machine and stake sharpener, I started another birdfeeder, finished one vase did 2 more bases, cut out 3 plasmacut animals, reading sharpes prey, did spaghetti for tea, watched black snow, carry on, good,and big bang

Jan 5th Sunday

Fine and cloudy, seems to not be as hot as yesterday, predicted to be 38, M to take em home, write up a few pieces, assemble a few pieces , painted a few backdrops for pieces,tidy gallery opening of Ros Crawford exhibition at 2.00, 15 people  savory mince for tea after nap, watched legally blonde, bosch and spicks and specks, part of big bang. 

Jan 4th Saturday

Fine and sunny 38! Assemble small pieces, paint base of flower, start big piece? More reading of Buln Buln,finished reading the chase, read more of Jindivick book, painted Jindi church, nap, M brought em home from Ks,David as unhelpful as always, hamburgers for tea, watched dungeons and dragons , good, and big bang.

Jan 3rd Friday

Fine and sunny 30, move pedestals shop, bought paint and birdseed also help ros and bec and (3) … put up exhibition 4 visitors M and em go to visit caleb, assemble painted pieces,do email,wrote up 4 pieces, sandwich tea, watched Rex, last Rivals,,big bang,

Jan 2nd Thursday

Fine and mild,  m went with em to bunnings, bought stuff, I recycled a “ vase” made a new vase and flowers,assembled 5 bird meshs, 3 with paintings, did 2 more bird mesh pieces, 2 people visited, nap, made rolls,, fish pieces for tea,watched the diplomat, Chinatown,bones, big bang wisting

Jan 1st Wednesday

Fine and mild updated website, Worked in shed cut out more bird forms and made 6 bird form frames, assembled big flower and painted, M picked up em and shopped, M and em are coating the kitchen floor with sealer again. Started some watercolour backgrounds, wrote up a few pieces took em home and helped her move table outside, loaded car with garden scrap, scrambled eggs for tea, watched black doves, all creatures, skeleton crew big bang and grand designs

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
Copyright © 2025 Laurie Collins Website by Picton Parrot Designs
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