Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818
February 5, 2023

January diary 2023

January Diary

Jan 31st Tuesday

Cool and mild, Belinda did 2 flowers I finished girl dress started on skin covering,  went to give marian a break in arvo, 2 people visited, John did work in arvo, home to do wraps for tea out to Pilates, watched end of griff show and adam hills

Jan 30th Monday

Cool and cloudy, the boys tidy bench and start big girl, M minding Mae all day I had 3 naps, made steak for tea watched griff Canada,and

Jan 29th Sunday

Cloudy cooler, drizzle,bit humid, put out big sculpture, tidy gallery finish chook  also finished small cat and bird on back, did write ps for a couple of pieces, Val’s opening  about 20 people, Grant visited for opening, Grace also, M got pizza for tea watched shotgun wedding  ok

Jan 28th Saturday

Fine and sunny, hot, start new piece,no Julieanne to garden,  voted, and did 3 chooks from rings, also cut out the pianist, Leith visited mid morning, lunch nap, wrote up pieces for website.egg on toast for tea watched shrinking, departure and elephant whisperer

Jan 27th Friday

Fine and sunny, shopped for black and clear pain at bunnings and shopping then home to paint anchored and help set up Vals exhibition, did video, edited it 4 people visited, M off minding kids and swimming on Ks first day of school, did sausages in wraps for tea, watched poker face and the sea beast, Both good

Jan 26th Thursday

Fine and sunny, warm/cool? Last Australia day, Take down aylas exhibition and, send out email,for val, tidied and rearranged front room to work better for painting, M went to visit Don to see about finances, I assembled anchored with top shape, waves and boat part painted,10 people visited,did spaghetti for tea, watched Elton john final American concert.

Jan 25th Wednesday

Fine some cloud, Noel did another flower, I made the chain support for anchored and also did most of the top oval form,also added stones to things of stone and wood, went to longwarry for metal home for lunch part nap talked to don Leeson, the lauren photographer for photo shoot the mike and girl teachers, nap, M did chicken spirals for tea, watched irreverent and three pines

, Jan 24th Tuesday

Cooler, cloudy then fine,People installed aircon in bedroom,  Belinda did 2 flowers and modified a spiral piece, M went and helped with kids I finished the chook,turned wood for things of stone and wood, and painted, tidied up red girl and cut out and made 11 flowers and did 2 horseshoe vases, 3 napsJohn came and worked in arvo, did souvlaki for tea pilates, watched irreverent

Jan 23rd Monday

Mild a bit hot in arvo but cloudy, the boys did more on the seat, I added legs to box, finished odd horse and rider,did helpful robot, did more on cat, started new circular chooks, Nap lunch went shopping at bunnings and aldi and coles, tuckered out David came from mirboo nth and took flowers and pieces, did hamburgers for tea, M talked to em, better today,watched griff in Canada and

Jan 22nd Sunday

Fine and sunny, finished off birdfeeder, cut out another horse and rider, painted red girl again, tidied bench, assembled cut out cat 4 people visited,M did bills,and talked to em who was soggy m did tea, watched departure and irreverent

Jan 21st Saturday

Fine and sunny, walked dog at rec reserve, M tidied house,I laminated words for gallery, I painted red girl, did cockie for mirrored dish, did rest of bird feeder, started organising spanners, Julieanne gardened, Ian and Phoebe arrived for morning tea, read papers, went to open studios gathering saw Gary , helen, Don etc, gave Karen horse and rider, Tired home to nap, watched Departure,Qi

Jan 20th Friday

Fine and sunny, finished reading the hermit,did most of girl with red umbrella, assembled my new helicopter, assembled piano semaphore, picked up pump from shop, Christine visited,and Lindsay and heather and tim wills, M did sausages in sauce for tea and rice, I photographed latest pieces and wrote up 4. Watched the return of the jedi.

Jan 19th Thursday

Worked on flying the eagle, last bird for flight piece and cut up metal from Lincoln,man came to measure door for laundry,offered piece to Gippsland gallery Kathleen brought 2 kids over and worked with M on timetable, took theo to speech, nap,2 people visited and bought stuff, out to tea at club hotel saw chloe and Yvonne McKay , aldi shopping, home to watch irreverent and the recruit

Jan 18th Wednesday

Milder showers and rain, cool, Noel did a big flower, I did most of big bird sculpture added to 2 small pieces, did the house on the hill, started a birdbath, started girl and umbrella piece,reading the hermit, 2 naps watched a royal grand design and griffs canada

Jan 17th Tuesday

Cloudy then hot,Belinda did 2 flowers I added to birds, did an emu and a chook, Travis and cathy visited, reading the hermit in arvo, M went and played with kids in morning, spanakopita for tea Pilates watched departure, hot night

Jan 16th Monday

Mild and cloudy to begin, the boys still working on seat Norm visited, assemble kookas and start birds for flying sculpture did another horseshoe vase, M to swim with k and mae and theo did fish and chips and salad for tea, finished watching the empire strikes back and a qi

Jan 15th Sunday,

Cool and grey, showered overnight, I assembled 27 flowers also finished off valve, and cut out 3 kookaburras, and did 1 horseshoe vase, Julieanne  gardened,M did stirfry for tea, watched bit of empire strikes back and three pines

Jan 14th Saturday

Cloudy to begin, will heat up, set up compressor, cut out 20 flowers, Terry and Meredith visited,read in arvo, too hot pizza tea watched departure and irreverent, finished end of day Gary disher book,

Jan 13th Friday

Cloudy and misty to begin but heated up considerably in afternoon, dropped em at Calebs, off to Moorabbin hospital to discuss cancer and possible trial, home via kfc, went to ace machinery and bought new compressor , then red colourbond and scrap wheels, home to read second sight of zachary cloudesly, M did scrambled eggs on toast for tea watched bump, lots of poor decisions, national treasure, a bit silly and bad batch

Jan12th Thursday

Fine and sunny, warm M and em to go and do things for eleanors camp, compressor returned dead,I finished close to the edge and In the pipeline,squeeze, small 2 bus party of 20 guys coming, Andrew Kaspar coming to get stuff about 800 Grace and Wayne and Dalene also,finished I will keep you safe, ok,

Jan 11th Wednesday

Fine and sunny to be 30, man coming to do door runners in gallery, finished 5 flowers, start princess leia, reading I will keep you safe, 3 people visited Compressor dead, so have to buy a new one, M and em to go with K to U mart, did tuna pasta for tea watched end of asterix, Qi and pale blue eye, very gothic

Jan 10th Tuesday

Cloudy overcast coolish warmed up in arvo, started in shed and then all stopped working as electrics went out, called electricians and they took off compressor and 3 power tools. 4 people visited Belinda came and I paid her and sent her home,I did 9 flowers, caleb called in m did chicken and rice for tea, watched asterix in Britain and qi

Jan 9th Monday

Fine and sunny 26,M feeding ks cats, the boys  worked on the bench for bbsn, I finish 4 chooks, talked to Jeff, lunch nap,did one small watercolour and stared another, M did spaghetti for tea watched big fat quiz of year, em restores sbs to tv, watched bones

Jan 8th Sunday

Fine and sunny, 33, M feeding Ks cats,finish tidying exhibition replace pedestal tidied up in gallery did aylas video.added to website, Opening of aylas exhibition in arvo 25 people, nap, Caleb to pick up em m did kievs for tea, watched QI and enola holmes 2 and

Jan 7th Saturday

Fine and sunny, warm 30, tidied gallery took down paintings and moved pedestals, 2 people visited ,I made a bird, started cutting up 5 chooks from round tube, Ayla and family arrived after lunch some stuff brought still waiting on more pieces, talked to visitors in arvo, added to website, M sewed on badges for Eleanor,K and family having a few days away, M did snitzel for tea, ayla and family arrived to put up exhibition , M helped I left and watched star wars 4

Jan 6th Friday

Fine bit cloudy, warmer, finished scrap iron flotilla, assembling birdfeeders. Both done and painted, mowed part of sculpture garden and across rd, and much of house block, started reading sharpes assassin, spanakopita for tea, watched bones slow horses and national treasure.

Jan 5th Thursday

Fine and sunny, shop at bunnings,and aldi and got bird seed, came home and did 2 bowls for birdfeeders, 9 people visited, quiet afternoon, ,went out for tea at Drouin family hotel, busy, watched troll, ok

Jan 4th Wednesday

Cool and overcast, did some writing for the small pieces.worked on doing 4 kookas, sue dropped by, 10 people visited, sold pose, went for 4th covid shot at chemist, M did stirfry curry and rice, watched secrets of dumbledore, slept well

Jan 3rd Tuesday

Cooler and overcast, very pleasant, brought down inner wheel and painted black and clear, I did 4 tall birds, sold a peacock,Belinda came and did 2 flowers 4 visitors, tired at lunch, reading scrap iron Flotilla,Caleb came with Ms new Ipad, stayed for tea then went home with ralph, paddy dropped in and stayed for tea, BBq and salad,watched jack ryan and

Jan 2nd Monday

Warm to hot, overcast should have a change later, did 2 peacocks,then stopped as heat was sapping my energy, the boys, fixed a mower and worked on seat for bbsn M shopping, I did another 2 watercolours in arvo,m did meatloaf for tea, very nice, watched slow horses and national treasure and vera

Jan 1st Sunday

Hot and sunny, updated website, finished reading dirt town,ok, sold resting umbrella and migration, talked to Norm for a bit did first small watercolour of the year, M did salad and triangles for tea watched three pines and irreverant

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
Copyright © 2025 Laurie Collins Website by Picton Parrot Designs
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