Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818



I saw an art piece with a ball between two sloping forms and in the sketch book I drew a version of this piece.
I see it as a reflection of the country of NZ in that the ball is a patchwork of pieces( maori, pakeha( white folks) Islanders, Indians, refugees).. not all nicely fitted but making a society and the support being the country is not that level and the ball is suggesting that at any moment it might roll away� but it isn�t because it is welded�. to the �country�. Its an unstable country geography wise yet the ball is adapted to the ups and downs.. so to speak.. of the country�( very deep! But again a nice form �. Simple but sort of strong too!)

Contact Laurie

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
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