Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818

Category: 2011


Friday 30th
Day showery but fine at times, not cold, much more pleasant than yesterday. I wasnt feeling"heady" like yesterday so got into work much better. Posted off stuff for Rotary Warragul, Nowa Nowa, Jury duty . Did some basic shopping. Came home worked on Nude for Nowa Nowa, went and bought 10mm rod in Warragul, played with dogs, morning tea, worked on Nude, lunch sat and read book, worked on Nude, Kathleen came over and dropped off books for my birthday, cleaned myself up, reading book, Marian came home and we went to Bill and Deb Wiglesworths for the evening. They also had Linda and….. Harrington? Talked of their Turkey trip and harringtons Russian trip.


Thursday 29th
Day is cold wet and windy… very bleak. Still a bit lightheaded. Worked on email list, and entry forms. Went to art group, 2 new people, Jill and Barbara, David and Jo and Jesse. Handed in my account. Did 3 small pictures. Back to Warragul bit of shopping and a few more frames, Home. Framed 3 or 4 pieces, reading book, 2 people dropped in talked about work, nap, reading book. Roast for tea, watched Ferris Beuller. Reading book.


Wednesday 28th
Day due to change, assembled tentacle, broke two pieces, feeling a bit lightheaded, did 100 additions to email list, about 200 happy birthday wishes via facebook, Kathleen and Biggles dropped in, worked on paperwork, did some shopping, raining in evening.


Tuesday 27th
Sultry day , windy at times. Painted tentacle, did birdcage, walked dogs up road,, M at meeting after work, watched the tudors (2)Pie for tea.


Monday 26th
Beautiful day. Vacuumed, Vicki came and worked on back gardens, I mosaiced other sides of poles, tried to print from seats and table, unloaded trailer, fixed dog with no nose, painted plates for tentacle, walked dogs at Rokeby,did some basic shopping in Warragul, mowed front lawn and across road, added to email list,chicken tenders for tea, Pilates


Sunday 25th
Up early did final loading, checked emails and off to Gembrook market. It now finishes at Two rather than 3 so that is sort of good. The day started off coolish but fined up and it was pleasant sitting in the sun.Sold about $200 of stuff .. real diverse range.. bit of everything.I spent most of the day reading the Clash of Kings book.. didn’t do hardly any drawing. At the end of the day I went to Pakenham to buy some more glue to finish the mosaic of the poles. I also went to Office works and bought a data projector( Epsom.. about $500) and then home. After coffee I had a nap.. I don’t know how sitting about in the sun talking to people can be tiring but it was. Tea was spanokopita and veges and then we played with setting up the data projector.Very impressive to see the Canadian photos near lifesize! After that the No 1 ladies detective agency was on.


Saturday 24th
fine and pleasant day, Worked on flowers, ,cut out bases for sculpture,, did mosaic on poles, Vaya came ( 500) , with leon and son, Kathleen came with Biggles, Jack. Fay and Naomi.,mosaiced 3 sides poles, quiche for tea. Watched Dr Who, and Monroe and rock quiz.


Friday 23rd
Coolish day, worked on tentacle and red slice, ran out of gas, went and bought more steel, (70) and gas and wire( 99 and 38) , did one side of tentacle,finished a game of thrones, lunch, small nap, Pizza for tea,.


Thursday 22nd
Beautiful day, Marian home for a few hours. I hand mowed areas and staked up Tamarillo and Banksia Rose.Went to art group, added to sketches of yesterday, did a couple more small pieces, watched the Lost Ting, went to Warragul bought Satin paint( about 98) then to Drouin to metal recycler and wood recycler, filled up cat with big pipe off cuts,home for lunch, unloaded car started new piece, mowed middle section and lower area. Went to art meeting but got it wrong so just went to club hotel to wait for M .. reading book.. nice tea Prawn and avocado spaghetti and club pamigiana. Home, watched the lost thing and bed. Windy at night blew out the complete top of Tamarillo!


Wednesday 21st
Overcast and windy sort of cool and hot! Worked in shed on routing and painting mirrors, went to Drouin for Dr appointment, ecg, pathology, etc, then to Helens ..did a couple of drawings then drive to Melbourne to see Shaun Tan speaking at Australian academy of design. Had an exhibition there as well. Bought the DVD and book of the lost thing, had a lovely tea of souvlaki in Pt Melb. Drove Helen home and came home to watch Spicks and specks and Gruen transfer.


September Blog/ DiaryTuesday 20th
Rainy cold day, did a bit on website, did stand for keeping up with the jones, downloaded ebook stuff, solar man came with quotes, visited Jean and Horts dropped off Quesnel book and bird, visited Helen made arrangements for tomorrow, went to Warragul bought mirror, DWD( 130) other hardware stuff (50),Aldi shopping, home for lunch, reading book, nap, work on website, spaghetti for tea, watched The Blind side” worked on website.


Mon 19th
Fine warm and breezy day, worked on attaching other side of rock star,added wood to one seat,started on keeping up with the Jones’s, went to Melbourne to pick up sculptures from show( CAS) Modern Witch had sold,Looked for Data Projectors not a lot of luck, Home for an hour then off to speak at Inner wheel club in Drouin.. at the guide hall. Did that well, sold a bird,donated a dog Home to bed, Rained during night.


Sun 18th.
Beautiful day, mild and warmish,Marian on Ultrasound call. Moved a few sculptures,Marian dug out some onion weed,I put rocks in Rockstar, Grant, Jane and Irene for lunch with Kathleen and Biggles, Kathleen now a leading teacher and team coordinator.Grant is enjoying retirement and Jane seems very content. Planning to go to America as part of her course in environmental biology?Reading a .clash.of thrones, watched Mrs Careys Concert.


Sat 17th.

Lovely day warm and sunny Went and bought two pieces of mesh( 99) Worked on Rock star, mowed a bit, tidyed up Watched Rock Quiz, Dr Who, M, M on call ultrasound


Friday 16th
Fine and sunny day chased up bill for crates, still working inside. Did some shopping, Gary came to do path, top path finished and it looks really is amazing how that finishes off the circuit. Watched Dowton Abbey and along came a spider



Mainly worked on website and photographing canadian sketches. Thumb was sore from fall and head looked messy so I stayed quietly at home. Joan called in. Val came in arvo to go over some school stuff. Tea was kisch, Gary and Ken came in night to start planning Jindivick sculpture show.


Wed 14th
Coolish and windy,Probus Group coming so tidied up lots. M had worked last night so was home til 10 ,I then made a bird, a seat, 2 owls and a kookaburra. Reading book, helped Joan get sawdust and fell over/faint..tea was casserole and loaded a month of piccys on website. Spicks and specks, gruen transfer.


Tues 13th
A fine sort of day, quite sunny. I worked on getting the seat frame finished and I did a big heart as the design. I also did the idea I had using the I beam and a glass bowl. I was going to use a bowl I had but decided a sweet cup and saucer would be better. I worked on fixing the unbalanced man too and then cleaned up and off to Drouin to get eggs, the paper and also the cup and saucer. I also went to Gennis for training onn the website and met David who was the main designer of the program. Home to plant a few more plants, hang out the 2nd load of washing and do tea( Butter chicken and rice) M is on call so we watched a Downton Abbey episode before she went out. I then worked on the website.


Mon 12th
Coolish day but no rain. Vicki came and did gardening, put in lots of plants from Rokeby and moved a few things, I welded the piece with the form inspired by the sex lecture,and painted it. Did a bit of mowing, then went to see Helenand discussed her studio,I also did a bit of shopping, went to wood man got boards and firewood. Came home and cut up firewood and started slats. Steak for tea. A quick nap as we were both tired the off to Pilates
. This was on the bed this time and although it seemed quite ok I came home stuffed. I sorted a few papers then went to bed.


Sunday 11th

Up at 6.00 off to go to Bendigo. Showery for most of the way through Melbourne but it fined up near Bendigo. Went to White wedding dress exhibition with M, Emily, Madge, Stephen and Kristen. Looked at community art show and also Bendigo uni art. Lunch at restaurant. Then back to Fairfield to pick up stuff, Drop off Madge and Em home to toasted sandies, watched Downton abbey and 2 V episodes.A long day but not as tiring as I thought it would be.


Saturday 10th
Up early to put seat together, and pack for Rokeby, showery all day off and on.. muddy at Rokeby, sold 2 birds,1 pelican 1 seat, 1 mirror about 10 flowers, 3 small birds( made $400) saw Sue, Steve and Kristen, Emily, Kathleen and Biggles, Doug Jones( gee he's looking a bit battered.. having trouble with his back , Bowen and Rhiannon,( Doug's boy and his girl), Robin, Jo Draisma came and sketched me and we met her sister in law Nene , lexie and Julian( Jo's kids), and Madge( grandma). I bought about $50 of plants, Lunch at home,with everyone except Kathleen and Biggles. ( we did mind Magnum though) I then delivered the seat to Neerim Sth then took 3 tables to Kongwak, Em at home. We had a nice tea and watched Rockquiz.


Friday 9th
Coolish day, finished seat, did table top, and painted and finished table,, did 3 small birds, went to Warragul dropped off seat( 150) back to Boord bought 10mm and 6mm rod( 148) home for lunch, did 13 flowers, put together mirrors. Sue came for tea( pizza) watched Paul simon music and bit of the Princess bride, ( one of my favorite movies, started Calsh of Kings byGeorge martin.


Thursday 8th

Fine day, did 2 loads of washing, some vacuuming and made a Lasagne. Then down the shed to do a bit of painting, off to art group,Ingrid, Helen, Leia, David,Jo,and wendy were there.. Leias birthday. did 1 and ½ painting things,dropped off seat at Town and Country, went to Boord bought flat steel and Round bar ( 246) then to Drouin for a bit of shopping( ham and milk).To shed to do a table base and wooden top and seat frame and back. Then off to Fairfield to drop off Hexagon and Stranded. Back again.


Wednesday 7th

Got up early to work on website, mainly got blog going. Coolish day.dropped off car to have locks fixed worked in shed on a peacock and 2 dogs, painted mirror frames, mowed front of lawn, art group with Helen and Laurel and Lucy, did some sketches and planned some ideas, shopped for catfood( 30 tins) then home for lunch, walk dog, nap, mowed back lawn, pick up Marian then car,then home for tea, M had share club, then out to Jindi Business meeting, home to gruen transfer and at home with Julia, at the movies and bed


Tuesday 6th

M has day off , showery coolish, went to Melbourne to see Vienna exhibition,This was an exciting exhibition and I got lots of stimulation and ideas from it. You couldnt draw or take notes in the exhibition but I managed about a page before someone stopped me. The top floors are closed as they usually are on Tuesday. We bought theCatalogue, a book on Klimt and another one that seemed very comprehensive of the era.We then went to Fed square to see 10 ways of thinking about history, and colonial drawings and prints, Fountain gate for lunch bought books by George Martin, spaghetti for tea, reading Ludlum Prometheus deception, worked on website with M. Watched 1945 version of the Big sleep.


Mon 5th

finished 5 went to Gennis house learned a bit about website,talked at Yarragon BBaa at night,


Sun 4th
Sort of cool, showery threatening, Worked in morning on finishing setting up 5 , tidying shed,Chinese principals for lunch, and Lois ,Peter and Heather. We hadn't met these people before though they were from JuiJiang. A few primary principals I think and also translator Shelley.We did a BBQ and they sort of liked it. They did like the wine and I still have lots of beer left!.They gave gifts of a fountain pen and a bookmark and I gave them each a sketch from last year.We showed them the sculpture garden, they left at 3.30, went to visit Gary and discuss exhibition, home had a smallish tea and watched V


Sat 3rd
Nice morning, dropped off work to CAS. in Church St( forgot to take plinths but Robert said he would figure out something... such lovely people. worked on removing Old tank and old freezer in yard. also Worked on cat, pelicans,
watched Rock Quiz


Friday 2nd

Cant remember much, nice day tidied place


Thursday 1st
Pleasant day, stump grinder man( Rocky) came, did 5 stumps cost (250)then dropped cat at jos, art group, Helen, jessie ingrid,leila, jo,,then to yarram dropped off 4 dogs, 4 birds, 2 pelicans,2 chooks,, met Anne who runs the shop, then back, tea roast fritters, spicks and specks.tired after driving.

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
Copyright © 2024 Laurie Collins Website by Picton Parrot Designs
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