Work done december
Big: between the moon and stars,umbrella
Small; reflection, girl and flower, and unruly hair, gymnastics, release 2,
Garden: 5 lovebirds,6 birds, 8 kookaburras,1 kooka on stand,15 birds on sticks, 5 dogs on sticks,1 owl on stand 3 owls, 3 big dragon, 4 small dragon 10 flowers, 8 cats, 8 dog 1 lyrebird, 4 small boxes, 1 elephant,4 roses, 4 birdbath, hydrant garden bed,1 dragonfly,2 pelicans, 2 peacocks
Orders: 6 drawer handles, 1 woodbox, 1 kaboodle shape, 1 birdbath, 3 waratahs,1 xmas scene, 1 great dane shape,jeffs fish,Birdseat, chaise lounge,
144 people through
Work done November
Big scurlptures
started umbrella, big girl plasma cut, butterfly,piano stool, treble cliff
Little sculptures
leap of faith 2,small girl, aria 2, buttons,gymnastics
garden art
7 birds,1 emu, 3 birdfeeder 6 catboxes 10 dragonflies 1 dog, 4 dog cutouts 2 cat cutouts,4 flowers in pots 2 peacock, 1 pelican, bird head on stick 1 elephant 1 owl, 1 biggish odd bird, giraffe box, ball,8 big birds on sticks,bird on ring 8 big flowers,1 fish tank,dragonfly 6 birds on sticks,2 giraffes on sticks 1 meercat,1 bee, 6 ducks, 4 chooks, 8 lovebirds
Alans table, birdcage seat, Neerim Sth Panel, stumped,small goat, frill necked lizard,gates for Longwarry garden, finished stevie seat
Seat with flower
People through228
Website visits::304
Work done October
Big pieces Grand piano, wooden heart, shell, doorway between worlds( 2 birds and a fairy)
Small pieces pinecone princess, bird on a wire, Andrew and zora piece, the girls 2
Garden art 10 cats 2 kookaburras, 11 birds, 10 dogs.2 peacock 8 pelicans 6 birdbath, 4 cat boxes, 10 lovebirds12 flowers, 8 birds on sticks
Orders Noughts and crosses set, stevie seat,2 deer, painted signs and birds
People through:478
September work
Big pieces, send recieve
Little pieces heart to heart, flying balloon girl, silly plane, diver dan,contrast( taps) and woodface, balloon girl 1 and 2,
Garden art 11 bird, 12 lovebirds,4 ducks 1 chook, 3 peacocks, 1 firedog, wedge bird, 10 flower, 5 dragonfly, 2 kookaburras 4 cats, 2 dog 1 pelican
Orders: Jans fairy, Eiffel tower, birdfeeder, pavilion sign, long seat, balloon girl, Delenes duck order,sheep, sign for crimson downs
Sold: umbrella, girl and bird, looking forward flying balloon girl, reading flight, Jan’s circle piece,father and sons, golf trophy,balloon girl 1, taller seat, triskele seat,Delenes duck,milkshake fairy,
People through:240 over month.
3220 hits on website
August work
Big pieces Piano,Umbrella,Edna jans circle
Small pieces, dancing girl( milk shake) father and sons 2
garden art 4 kookaburras, 7 chooks, 3 cats ,12 dog 11 birds 1 duck,17flowers 10 birds on sticks 1 piston alien slinky malinky, 1 small dog
‘ orders Golf trophy, memorial kid piece, father and sons, backbone picks, fork piece, character street sign axes, hoe creature musical form, chook rooster and dog cutouts for metung,flower gate, small mower man,most of sheep
200 saw the dark and light exhibition
251 over month
July Work
Big Pieces: Girl and Bird, ups and downs, family group, damaged heart, added to hanging on, shark 2,lyrebird
Small Pieces: drowning in a sea of love, reading flight, Think tank, dancing on the head of a pin,head in a book 2, head in a book
Garden art: Slinky Malinky, 2 dog, 1 peacock, 2 pelican
Orders: Deer letterbox, Kookaburra seat,Paulines nest,bills boiler
Furniture: Triskele chair, cross seat
180 people saw joans exhibition, 202 over month 5645 web visitors
Work done june
Big pieces: Night swimmer, You and me, Bite,Looking forward, Holey dollar, swirl
Little pieces: soldering iron bird, Tower View,Aria, origin of the plane,Danger girl,Umbrella girl, Island girl,
Garden art ;2 kookaburras, 1 owl, 5 dogs, Pelican, 2 strapping flowers,
Orders: echidna, dsc sculpture,2 barstools, barrel stand,2nd Bull head
Furniture: 2 offcut mirrors and 1 fish mirror
203 saw exhibition, 178 over month 4765 site hits
May work done
Big Pieces
Duck, Euroseed, Ballet Girl. Feather, engine no 2, finished Riverbank
Little pieces
Black Cat, toaster man, iron man spade fairy, voyage of imagination 2,Kitchen fairy 1 Kitchen fairy 2
‘Garden art;
3 dogs, 1 frog, 1 emu 1 bird on a stick,I dragonfly, 4 Kookaburras, 12 flowers
I pad stand, Geoffs bull head, cm seat,Dog seat
215 people over month, 4862 vistors to website
April work
280 people through Laurels exhibition,54 since for quilts
Big pieces Trinity( limestone) , most of betwixt and between,a sort of pun( Vyce) and around and about 3, seskis heart,
Small pieces, a voyage of imagination, 4 fairy, reading,Bessie on her travels, the next big thing,
garden art
11 birds on sticks, 2 echidnas, 1 tortoise and a snail all on sticks also 8 cats and 3 pelican, 2 peacock, 5 small bird,6 little birds 7 dogs, 6 tall birds, 4 cat boxes, pipe dancers,6 sm dragonflies
Furniture Geoffs seat, Lynnes table
Order. Sally cut out dog, Kinder gate
300 people through the garden and Gallery 6050 visitors to website
March work
Big pieces; 2/3 of heart piece, things we do for love,cocky
Small pieces; submarine, on the edge, dancer with forks, Love letter, on the wings of love, love harvest, pyramids, Just sitting, catching dragonflies, line tamer, dive 2, water tank, shovel girl with star ,fork in the road,dive,
Garden art; 4 birds, 1 owl 2 snails, 2 fork cats 1 fire dog,4 dogs, 2 peacock,4 ducks, 3 chooks,1 lion , 1 bee, 5 birds on sticks, 2 dog stools,
Furniture Geoffs seat,Hallstand,stone heart chair,
Orders beady wendys rack,1 pamphlet rack, 1 card rack,tree seat,Robs seat, lynnes table, golf club coatrack 2
217 people through, 5870 visitors to the website
Work done February
Big Pieces: Romeo and Juliet, Holding on, finish swirl girl 2
Orders,flower seat for Coralie, sunflower seat for jindi craft show,Kookaburra seat,cannon
Small pieces Dragonfly girl, cyclist and shadow, flower girl 3,tree of hearts, Catwalk, kite flyer, not a boring man ,reading girl, flower shovel girl, dancer with forks, sweeper head, the butterflycage, selfie, still raining, and balance ballerina
Garden art: 40 flowers, 1 bee, 2 cats, 3 birds,2 dogs,1 dragonfly, 8 small dragonflys
Furniture: Golf club rack, jewellery stand,
Art seven painted sketches at Paynesville, other sketches at Paynesville, sketches at bookclub
Over 160 people through, 5089 visitors to website
January work
Big Pieces: Swirl Girl started, eye on the ball,flywheel, Adapt,Quartet,fixed trojanian, around and about 2,
Orders: handed doorhandle 2,memorial piece, 2 speculum ducks, 1 frill necked lizard, train letterbox,herb signs, wylie coyote,
Garden art: 3 pelicans, 4 flowers, 8 catboxes,4 ducks,4 dragonflies, 1 cow, 3 cats, 5 chooks,
Small pieces: cow head, Brush girl face, rainbow girl, times running out,Jaqueline
Furniture: 2 hall tables, 1 mirror, 1 seat,
art: sketches in Tasmania
People through garden : 174 through garden, 6305 visitors to website
Work done total
Big Pieces: Swirl Girl, eye on the ball, flywheel, Adapt, Quartet ( fixed) trojanian, around and about 2, Romeo and Juliet, Holding on, damaged heart, things we do for love,cocky ,Trinity( limestone) , betwixt and between,a sort of pun( Vyce) around and about 3, seskis heart, Duck, Euroseed, Ballet Girl. Feather, engine no 2, Riverbank, Night swimmer, You and me, Bite,Looking forward, Holey dollar, swirl, Girl and Bird, ups and downs, family group, shark 2,lyrebird Piano,Umbrella,Edna jans circle, send receive, Grand piano, wooden heart, shell, doorway between worlds( 2 birds and a fairy) , umbrella2, big girl plasma cut, butterfly,piano stool, treble cliff, between the moon and stars
Orders: handed doorhandle 2,memorial piece, 2 speculum ducks, 1 frill necked lizard, train letterbox,herb signs, wylie coyote flower seat for Coralie, sunflower seat for jindi craft show,Kookaburra seat,cannon, beady wendys rack,1 pamphlet rack, 1 card rack,tree seat,Robs seat, lynnes table, golf club coatrack 2 ,Sally cut out dog, Kinder gate I pad stand, Geoffs bull head, cm seat,Dog seat ,echidna, dsc sculpture,2 barstools, barrel stand,2nd Bull head, Deer letterbox, Kookaburra seat,Paulines nest,bills boiler ,Golf trophy, memorial kid piece, father and sons, backbone picks, fork piece, character street sign axes, hoe creature musical form, chook rooster and dog cutouts for metung,flower gate, small mower man,checkas sheep ,Jans fairy, Eiffel tower, birdfeeder, pavilion sign, long seat, balloon girl, Delenes duck, sign for crimson downs, Noughts and crosses set, stevie seat,2 deer, painted signs and birds, Alans table, birdcage seat, Neerim Sth Panel, stumped,small goat, frill necked lizard,gates for Longwarry garden, finished stevie seat,6 drawer handles, 1 woodbox, 1 kaboodle shape, 1 birdbath, 3 waratahs,1 xmas scene, 1 great dane shape,jeffs fish,Birdseat, chaise lounge
Small pieces: cow head, Brush girl face, rainbow girl, times running out,Jaqueline Dragonfly girl, cyclist and shadow, flower girl 3,tree of hearts, Catwalk, kite flyer, not a boring man ,reading girl, flower shovel girl, dancer with forks, sweeper head, the butterflycage, selfie, still raining, and balance ballerina ,submarine, on the edge, , Love letter, on the wings of love, love harvest, pyramids, Just sitting, catching dragonflies, line tamer, dive 2, water tank, shovel girl with star ,fork in the road,dive, , a voyage of imagination, 4 fairy, reading,Bessie on her travels, the next big thing, Black Cat, toaster man, iron man spade fairy, voyage of imagination 2,Kitchen fairy 1 Kitchen fairy 2 ,soldering iron bird, Tower View,Aria, origin of the plane,Danger girl,Umbrella girl, Island girl, drowning in a sea of love, reading flight, Think tank, dancing on the head of a pin,head in a book 2, head in a book ,dancing girl( milk shake) father and sons 2 ,heart to heart, flying balloon girl, silly plane, diver dan, contrast( taps) and woodface, balloon girl 1 and 2, pinecone princess, bird on a wire, Andrew and zora piece, the girls 2, leap of faith 2,small girl, aria 2, buttons,gymnastics reflection, girl and flower, and unruly hair, gymnastics 2, release 2
Garden art: 3 bee , 60 birds ,5 small bird,6 little birds,65 birds on sticks,13 birdbaths,39 cats 2 fork cats,26 catboxes 20 chooks 1 cow, 58 dogs, 2 dogstools, 4 small dragons, 3 big dragons, 3 dragonfly 29 small dragonflys 19 ducks 2 echidnas,1 skinny elephant 1 fat elephant,115 flowers,1 frog, 22 kookaburras, 1 kooka on a stand, 35 lovebirds,1 lyrebird, 5 owl ,1 owl on stand 14 peacocks, 21 pelicans, 1 pipedancers, 4 roses 2 snails , 1 tortoise and snail on sticks,1 piston alien slinky malinky, 1 small dog,4 dog cutouts 2 cat cutouts,4 flowers in pots,1 owl, 1 biggish odd bird, giraffe box bird on ring,2 giraffes on sticks 1 meercat, 5 dogs on sticks
Furniture: 2 hall tables, 1 mirror, 1 seat, Golf club rack, jewellery stand Geoffs seat,Hallstand,stone heart chair, Lynnes table: 2 offcut mirrors and 1 fish mirror Triskele chair, cross seat Seat with flower, seat with rectangle
Art seven painted sketches at Paynesville, other sketches at Paynesville, sketches at bookclub
67 big pieces made this year, 42 0f those sold, 82 small pieces done and 50 gone, 612 pieces of garden art
Over 2650 people through