Years combinded info
Big pieces: Riverside, around the core, unnatural balance,Sail, Drum Kit, birds in a ring,branch,Wave, slices ,food for the soul( ballet dancer) Living on the past, they all flew away sinuous, modified send receive into Umbrella,nightbirds,waiting girl, glass half full, merrily we roll along: heavy to light,In my heart, Blue Flight,,Sea Flower ,time out, Red girl, moonbirds , bat heart, 1 and 2 , day and night, slowboat, , if metal was plastic, raising a child, seamonsters, together,Lookout, Circus, Together 2,Problemsolver, tree of life, ampersand (39)
Small pieces:Tree of Knowledge (book), reading gives you wings,’were rabbit, gitas flying angel,moon goddess, getting into the new sound system, leaves of wood(book), sitting cat, forkgiving, 2 flying dancers, : 5 small wall hanging pieces, Gallery artist girl, ballet dress with feathers, resting cat, standing cat, ,2 others,Anna Karenina, ballet wire dress. 4 small plasmacuts( cats), Girl and birds,2 girls cupcake girl, mother and child, , ballet dress with petals1 horsetable,ready to eat, dancing with the stars, Man of letters, bird from pages, flower gatherer, small artist, going through the hoops,6 circle figures( virtuoso, prom landscape, girl on swing, girl and bird and bird in bushes ), together( gumby) face,Girl and cat,Jigsaw people, another world, watching the big girls,4 flowers in vases( wood),Bicycle ballet dancer, artist in the gallery 2,Tugging at my heartstrings, Dreamer, Jungle girl, oak landscape, landscape,girl on saw,point of view( star stakes), Cat in the window,couple( profiles),shetland Rhino, winter outfit, center of my universe,cat with string, raven maven, Bicycle Ballerina, goblet dancer, Belle of the ball, Between books, pine fly, cat in the window ,cut out vase of flowers, axel and axeline, rose garden, caught,Elephant song, white tree,odyssey, cat mirror,small robot,vase of flowers,,nail cat, 3 vases and piston skateboard,climbing the west face,Diver, Bed and book, me and my teddy, hanging on moon,Fun of reading ( book swing), red hangover box, cone fish, sharp dresser, on the edge, and dinosaur Music man( book piano), you have my permission to feed me, fly away,not flying ducks,Bliss piece, Handling the lift, a cat called Handel,sitting ballet dancer,Sweetie( robot), saw cat, Lockie,cat face, Glamosaur, Barbie Saur and Magnificat,Barbienlegosaur, balance girl,upright piano, bigfoot,Kitten, Balletgirl with handles, cat profile cat negative profile hanging, tricycle girl, Curly 2,flowergirl 4, Humpty, 2fly away tree boxes, bowl of flowers 3, resting dancer 2, bird mirror,flowergirl 3,redgum dancer,walking to school, cake fairy,flowerbowl 2,deerhead, treadmills,girl and cat with red bows Sleeping dog, attentive dog, spot,Young supergirl, bird on perch,sleeping giant,art nouveau cat , foodfight,head in a whirl, Natural thinker, Birdsong,Girl with hoop, redbird, submarine, light as a feather, herd, Engine Juggling girl, feeding the cat,curly 2 book person, (165)
Seat: flowers,1 cat seat
Orders:Gilberts stand, kinder trees,cello, heavy seat, dancing in red boots, Narelles fire bucket, Pool panels( small),tricycle rabbit, 2 rose towers vickis bird, butterfly swimmer, johns bath bather, characters for angel orbit, angel orbit 3 Fairy tree birdfeeder orchid seat ,1 dragonfly, Angel orbit 3,janes dog,Kays cabinet, Bills barrow, Janes ship,Orchid chair, michel memorial Darrens sculpture, Cow seat,Emilys stair panel, 2 big gates,Aboriginal flag for Candace,harper,Waratah: Masks for masquerade, Timmys truck, scissor girl, aboriginal flag,joan and don birdfeeder ,Aboriginal flag, Cathy smith stands, fire tray and poker and backplate,plant stand Jewish mechanic piece, Jewish mechanic table,yoga tree,Deer Maxfield table,Yoga backpanel Umbrella,6 cut out ducklings, 1 duck and 1 drake,2 birdfeeders, modified uneven balance,fixed dog sculpture, fixed pennys boat, flat to the moon and back, eagle, Janines sitting on a rose family,Letterbox on red girl, most of simones truck: Belinda M seat, small tractor and stand, 3 flying ducks,table frame, sues bench, chook letterbox, thinking outside the box,2 eagles, 1 bee, Don seat, Paulis seat,cactus
Art pieces: reading with the cat, cat walk,student running with cloud, plasma cut prints ,small piece,hoop girl
Garden art: 13 frogs, 7 flower rings ,punk echidna and 2 tortoises 31 kookaburras, 13 owls 80 flowers, 17 dragonfly, 1 dinosaur. 11 pelican, big beetle,10 peacocks 24 dog and 14 birds, 6 wheel circle pictures, 18 birds on sticks,1 bee,5 birdfeeder 13 cat, Birds on a wire star stake flower 1 dragon 21 chook 2 small birds, 2 ring kookas 10 circle pieces for foster, 8 ducks,5 sentinel ,3 small robot ,magpie circle, 1 giraffe small rectangular creature, 6 rabbit I beam fish1 emu,12 plasmacut birds small bird with forks flat dragonfly 3 horseshoebirds
People through 2080
December work done
Big pieces: tree of life,ampersand
Small pieces: book person, most of simones truck
Garden art: 3 ducks flat, 2 ducks, 2 dogs 2 kookas,birdfeeder with bird,5 dragonflies, 2 flowers,1 pelican,
Orders : Belinda M seat, small tractor and stand, 3 flying ducks,table frame, sues bench, chook letterbox, thinking outside the box,2 eagles, 1 bee, Don seat, Paulis seat,cactus
To 23rd 98
Work done November
Big sculptures: Circus, Together 2,Problemsolver,
Little Sculptures: Sleeping dog, attentive dog, spot,Young supergirl, bird on perch,sleeping giant,art nouveau cat , foodfight,head in a whirl, Natural thinker, Birdsong,Girl with hoop, redbird(turned), submarine, light as a feather, herd, EngineJuggling girl, feeding the cat,curly 2
Garden art: 1 birdbath, 5 owls,3 dragonflys 1 flat dragonfly, 3 ducks on sticks,2 ducks 4 chooks,2 dogs, 4 kookaburras,3 pelican, 3 horseshoebirds, 1 bird, 3 kookas on sticks,Blossom in ring
Orders: eagle, Janines sitting on a rose family,Letterbox on red girl,
People through 348
Work done October
Big pieces: seamonsters, together,Lookout,
Little pieces: tricycle girl, Curly 2,flowergirl 4, Humpty, 2fly away tree boxes, bowl of flowers 3, resting dancer 2, bird mirror,flowergirl 3,redgum dancer,walking to school, cake fairy,flowerbowl 2,deerhead, treadmills,girl and cat with red bows
Garden art: Bird with rake tail, Rabbit cultivator, 2 owls on sticks, 11 birds on sticks, 1 emu,4 pelicans, 2 birds,2 ducklings, 1 duck, 1 chook on stick,small bird with forks, birdbath, 5 horseshoe birds, 6 frogs,2 chooks
Orders: Umbrella,6 cut out ducklings, 1 duck and 1 drake,2 birdfeeders, modified uneven balance,fixed dog sculpture, fixed pennys boat, flat to the moon and back,
420 through over month ( 310 for Yvettes exhibit)
Work done September
Big pieces
Small pieces Lockie,cat face, Glamosaur, Barbie Saur and Magnificat,Barbienlegosaur, balance girl,upright piano, bigfoot,Kitten, Balletgirl with handles, cat profile cat negative profile hanging,
Garden art: 10 flowers,4 kookaburras, 4 peacocks, 1 circle with birds, 2 rabbits
Orders Maxfield table,Yoga backpanel
150 people through Wayne and Daelene exhibition
154 through over month
Work done August
Big pieces: if metal was plastic, raising a child,
Small pieces Music man( book piano), you have my permission to feed me, fly away,not flying ducks,Bliss piece, Handling the lift, a cat called Handel,sitting ballet dancer,Sweetie( robot), saw cat,
Orders Jewish mechanic piece, Jewish mechanic table,yoga tree,Deer
Garden art,
People 76. But I wasn’t home for a week or so
Work done July
Big pieces: Red girl, Fly me to the moon, bat heart, 1 and 2 , day and night, slowboat, if plastic was metal,
Small pieces: 3 vases and piston skateboard,climbing the west face,Diver, Bed and book, me and my teddy, hanging on moon,Fun of reading ( book swing), red hangover box, cone fish, sharp dresser, on the edge, and dinosaur
Garden art: 2 bird, 5 dogs, 2 cats, 1 giraffe 1 owl, small rectangular creature, 2 dragonflys, 15 flowers, 1 robot,1 rabbit, 1 duck, 1 small rabbit, I beam fish
Orders: Aboriginal flag, Cathy smith stands, fire tray and poker and backplate,plant stand
161 saw Ros show
176 through over month
Work done June
Big pieces: heavy to light,In my heart, Blue Flight,Sea Flower,time out, repaired broken heart,
Small pieces: cut out vase of flowers, axel and axeline, rose garden, caught,Elephant song, white tree,odyssey, cat mirror,small robot,vase of flowers,,nail cat,
Garden art: 8 cats, 5 chooks 1 sentinel,6 kookaburras, 4 dogs,2owls, 4 garden sentinels,magpie circle, small robot, 2 birds
Orders: Masks for masquerade, Timmys truck, scissor girl, aboriginal flag,joan and don birdfeeder
138 through over month
Work done May
Big sculptures: started sinuous, modified send receive into Umbrella,nightbirds,waiting girl, glass half full,merrily we roll along
Little sculptures: Bicycle Ballerina, goblet dancer, Belle of the ball, Between books, pine fly, cat in the window
Garden art 3 birds,3 ducks,6 chooks,1 pelican, 1 peacock,4 dogs,1 dragonfly,
Orders: Darrens sculpture, Cow seat,Emilys stair panel, 2 big gates,Aboriginal flag for Candace,harper,Waratah
217 over month 226 saw exhibition
Work done April
Big pieces Living on the past, they all flew away,
Small pieces Dreamer, Jungle girl, oak landscape, landscape,girl on saw,point of view( star stakes), Cat in the window,couple( profiles),shetland Rhino, winter outfit, center of my universe,cat with string, raven maven,
Garden art Birds on a wire, 1 bird, 2 dragonflies, star stake flower,1 dragon,4 chook,5 kookaburra, 2 small birds, heart and flowers in a ring,2 ring kookas, 2 owls, 9 circle pieces for foster,1 peacock
Orders 1 dragonfly, Angel orbit 3,janes dog,Kays cabinet, Bills barrow, Janes ship,Orchid chair, michel memorial
People through:153
Work done March
Big pieces: food for the soul( ballet dancer)
Small pieces: flower gatherer, small artist, going through the hoops,6 circle figures( virtuoso, prom landscape, girl on swing, girl and bird and bird in bushes ), together( gumby) face,Girl and cat,Jigsaw people, another world, watching the big girls,4 flowers in vases( wood),Bicycle ballet dancer, artist in the gallery 2,Tugging at my heartstrings,
Garden art: 2 peacocks 1 pelican 2 dog and 3 birds, 1 cat 6 Kookaburra, 2 owls, 5 wheel circle pictures, 2 birds on sticks,1 bee,3 birdfeeder,
Orders: vickis bird, butterfly swimmer, johns bath bather, characters for angel orbit, angel orbit 3 Fairy tree birdfeeder orchid seat
Furniture 1 cat seat
130 view exhibition
137 visit over month
Work done February
Big pieces:Drum Kit, birds in a ring,branch,Wave, slices
Little pieces: 5 small wall hanging pieces, Gallery artist girl, ballet dress with feathers, resting cat, standing cat, ,2 others,Anna Karenina,ballet wire dress. 4 small plasmacuts( cats), Girl and birds,2 girls cupcake girl, mother and child, , ballet dress with petals1 horsetable,ready to eat, dancing with the stars, Man of letters, bird from pages,
Orders: Narelles fire bucket, Pool panels( small),tricycle rabbit, 2 rose towers
Art: 1 small piece,hoop girl
Garden art: 26 flowers, 2 flower rings,big beetle,2 peacocks, 1 dragonfly,1 pelican
160 through,
Jan work
Big pieces: 1 part of judo(slice),Riverside, around the core, unnatural balance,Sail
Small pieces:Tree of Knowledge (book), reading gives you wings,were rabbit, gitas flying angel,moon goddess, getting into the new sound system, leaves of wood(book), sitting cat, forkgiving, 2 flying dancers,
Garden art: 7 frogs, 4 flower rings ,punk echidna and 2 tortoises 4 kookaburras, 12 flowers, 1 dragonfly, 1 dinosaur.
Seat: flowers
Orders:Gilberts stand, kinder trees,cello, heavy seat, dancing in red boots,
Art pieces: reading with the cat, cat walk,student running with cloud, plasma cut prints
People through 176