totals done over year
Big pieces:(60 big including orders)
up and down, Not the center of the universe, Dragon, birds in trees 2, regrowth ball, tendril ball. diamond ,Lens , furball dancing dress girl, Cat face, dancing from the first note , some kind of nut, cat in the window, Pumpkin( girl), big teapot Rosie, happy dance, big flat spider, bird stand 3, eclipse, waves, countdown boom, balancing girl flying man, hillside 2 Star ship, Dig, big ball,
Little pieces;(183 with 85 sold)
8 ladybirds, 2 rabbits, 4 vases, man with saw head, rock tortoise, 6 mice,.scrap vase, screwy teapot, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, teapot, softhearted.skinny cat, book piece new worlds, open to ideas, handbag, you make me whole, spring cat, ermakovas cat, Swedish saw dancer, cleo, free dive, power dressing angel, lucky in love, finial fly, driving the new machine, star cat, couch surfing, tortoise ride, girl treble, face, manga girl, bird on branch, short trip ,girl and echidna, small face, feathered flight ,sorceress, uphill ride, fish on board, piano man, changeover, wire in circle, girl with earrings, girl with copper bird, big footed bird, gold leafed tree, Rocket car, balanced ballerina ,dog with a weight problem, mother and son, axeminster car, reading, startle, creature 2, cousin to 5th element, hungry, gas powered snail, flying spider , green skipping girl, walkies, 2 yvette boxes, girl with feathered hat, echidna axe, flying hearts, wood and bronze cat, picking flowers bronze parts, rain in the city, onward snails, wire face, Lightning bolts and nuts, Gold bug and my heart has wings (golden bird man), moustache,star juggler, private garden( keys) circle landscape, wire face, 2 small ballerinas, 7 teapots, keeping me grounded, extreme surfing,rainbow tree, nightbirds 2(ring) and bird and flowers( ring),birds in landscape( ring) trend setting skiers,Work experience girl, moon river, letter face, roof top, u2 can play netball, spiky ball, spiky boxes, 2 catboxes, eyebrows, circle cat, netballer, dog and butterfly, sentinel, 2 aliens with bows, reading girl, safety in numbers, old love letters, rainbow rest, rainbow fairy, feathered dress, balloon4 lift, feathered balloon ,2 girls with hair, teapot, ballerina top gear, splendid isolation, social distance 1, flexible ( side bend, flexible2 ( over backwards) , alternate transport2, flower song, ,chopper 3, between books , 1 girl face,1 steamy dancer, 1 fairy, 1 dance sketch, Job done( Ladder cat), upside down cat, rosy ring, cricket match, Edwardian girl, modern girl, added a flower to girl face, added a bunch of flowers to long necked girl, did ring work, eyeball: joyful girls, 2 redgum and metal pen holders ,neds brothers, 3 feather boxes, householders, imperfect 1 and 2, girl with black plaits, changes( birds), Ralph, 5 small blue wrens, Homebodies, armchair traveller, 4 snitches, My titanic moment 2,
Garden art: air filter creature 2 bee, 1 beetle, 6 bird ,21 birds on sticks,2 birdstand, 13 birdfeeders, 1 water meter cover camel 4 cat, 3 flat cats 28 chooks 1 crocodile,21 dragonflies, 3 big dragonfly 14 dog, hills hoist dog 10 small milking cover dogs 2 dog planter,18 ducks 2 echidna 5 small elephants, 2 emu ,small,165 flowers, 3 spoon flower, big frog,2 horseshoebirds 39 kookas 1 Lyrebird, 1 mouse, 15 owls, 6 pelican ,14 peacock, , 2 roosters Circle ended seat, 2 gasbottle planters, 2 jigsaw circles, :
Orders: horse number, Train seat, firepit for david, firetools for deegans, Landcruiser, house number 42, little Richard, ians panels, dancers for caleb, N sth birdfeeder, modified birdfeeder, Heart and balls, triffid stand:, 2 ritchies panels, natural resurrection, rays sign,pear, diannes table frame, Cyndi:, 3 plant stands for Jane, dalek, car ,frog and rabbit cutouts, happy whale, chookfeeder, 4 kangaroos, surfer, owl for guy, angel orbit, rh symbol, small table, plant hanger, 3 eagles, 2 birdstands for Macdonnell , 4 cutouts, 2 birdfeeders/racks, train seat, small guitarist,5 panels for Pauline R, 2nd train seat,big sunflower repeat,eagle, repair chook letterbox, finished chaise lounge, did shane and kerries sign and firepit Maxfields wood holder and panel: modify gas bottle screen, Train seat, Red birdfeeder,3 Rowbury panels,3 eagles, Letterbox pole and rooster,Neils Gate, Chaise Lounge Rowbury birdbath, Windsor 4 people,Handle for Langdons ,seat H , Windsor column Octopus, dahlia washer, 2 big frogs, N sth panels, umbrella stand, inside firewood holder, outside firewood holder, finished truck and finished flower trolleys ,truck for simone, Annes magnolia, Adeles shelf, 678 house numbers ,waca sign ,Emma’s panel, junk ball,
Furniture: red gum mirrors 2, fence post mirrors 2 small school tree mirror, ragged heart mirror, spice rack, small metal rack
Garden art:
Furniture: backless seat, Big backed seat,4 mirror frames
Dec work
Big pieces:
Little pieces; 8 ladybirds, 2 rabbits, 4 vases, man with saw head,rock tortoise, 6 mice,
Garden art: 14 kookas, 11 owls,18 dragonflies small,44 flowers, 3 spoon flower, 1 peacock, 2 big dragonfly, 1 bee 3 cat,6 kookas on sticks, 1 dog 1 bird 1 pelican, 1 mouse,4 ducks,2 horseshoebirds
Orders: horse number, Train seat, firepit for david, firetools for deegans, Landcruiser,house number 42, little Richard, ians panels
Big pieces:Dragon, birds in trees 2,finished regrowth ball,
Small pieces: 3 ladybirds, 2 mice.scrap vase, screwy teapot, float like a butterfly sting like a bee,teapot,softhearted.skinny cat, book piece new worlds,open to ideas,handbag
Garden art: 5 kookas, 4peacocks, 2 owls, 25 flowers,4 dog, 6 chooks 4 birds on sticks 1 bird
Orders: dancers for caleb,N sth birdfeeder, modified birdfeeder,Heart and balls, triffid stand
Oct work
Big pieces tendril ball regrowth.
Small pieces: you make me whole,spring cat, ermakovas cat,Swedish saw dancer, cleo,free dive, power dressing angel,lucky in love finial fly, driving the new machine,star cat, couch surfing, tortoise ride, girl treble, face,manga girl bird on branch, short trip
Garden art 5 chooks, 25 flowers, 5 kookas, emu 2 peacocks, 2 owls,4 dogs,
Orders: 2 ritchies panels, natural resurrection, rays sign,pear, diannes table frame,Cyndi,
Sept work
Big pieces : diamond
Small pieces girl and echidna, small face,feathered flight sorceress and uphill ride,fish on board, piano man changeover, wire in circle,girl with earrings, girl with copper bird, big footed bird, gold leafed tree,
Orders: most of Cyndi Lauper, 3 plant stands for Jane, dalek, car frog and rabbit cutouts,, happy whale,
Garden art: chookfeeder
August work
Big pieces Lens ,base for furball
Small pieces Rocket car, balanced ballerina ,dog with a weight problem,mother and son, axeminster car,reading, startle,creature 2, cousin to 5th element, hungry,gas powered snail, flying spider , green skipping girl,walkies,2 yvette boxes
Garden art 2 chooks, bird stand,
Orders: 4 kangaroos,surfer, owl for guy,angel orbit, rh symbol, small table plant hanger,3 eagles,2 birdstands for Macdonnell , 4 cutouts
Work done July
Big pieces:fur ball
Small pieces: girl with feathered hat, echidna axe, flying hearts, wood and bronze cat,,picking flowers bronze parts, rain in the city,
Garden art: 1 bird stand, 5 kookas on sticks, 1 dragonfly on stick, 6 kookaburras, 2 peacock, 2 ducks and 3 small chooks,2 small elephants,
Orders: 2 birdfeeders/racks, train seat, small guitarist,5th panel for Pauline R, 2nd train seat,big sunflower repeat,eagle, repair chook letterbox, finished chaise lounge, did shane and kerries sign and firepit Maxfields wood holder and panel
Other spice rack, small metal rack
Work done June
Big pieces: dancing dress girl,
Small pieces: onward snails, wire face,Lightning bolts and nuts,Gold bug and my heart has wings (golden bird man), moustache,star juggler, private garden( keys) circle landscape, wire face
Garden art: Circle ended seat, Lyrebird,dragonfly, 2 dogs,2 ducks,
Orders: modify gas bottle screen, Train seat, Red birdfeeder,3 Rowbury panels,3 eagles, Letterbox pole and rooster,Neils Gate, Chaise Lounge
Work done May
Big pieces: Rowbury panel 1,Cat face,dancing from the first note , some kind of nut, cat in the window, Pumpkin( girl),big teapot
Small pieces:, 2 small ballerinas, 7 teapots, keeping me grounded, extreme surfing,rainbow tree, nightbirds 2(ring) and bird and flowers( ring),birds in landscape( ring)
Garden art: 1 peacock, 3 chooks, 2 roosters 2 pelicans,1 dog planter,1 dog, big frog,4 birds 23 flowers
Orders: Rowbury birdbath, Windsor 4 people,Handle for Langdons,Rowbury panels
Work done april
Big pieces :Rosie, happy dance, big flat spider, bird stand 3, eclipse, waves, countdown boom, balancing girl
Little pieces: trend settingskiers,Work experience girl, moon river,, letter face, roof top u2 can play netball,spiky ball, spiky boxes,2 catboxes, eyebrows, circle cat, netballer, dog and butterfly, sentinel,2 aliens with bows,reading girl,safety in numbers, old love letters rainbow rest, rainbow fairy,feathered dress, balloon4 lift, feathered balloon,2 girls with hair,teapot, ballerina top gear,
Orders seat H , Windsor column
Garden art 3 birdfeeders, 6 kookas on sticks, 3 flat cats,dog planter,1 crocodile,1 echidna,hills hoist dog, 10 small milking cover dogs,2 jigsaw circles, 2 gasbottle planters,
Work done March
Big pieces: flying man, hillside 2
Little pieces: splendid isolation, social distance 1, flexible ( side bend) flexible2 ( over backwards) , alternate transport2, flower song,,chopper 3,between books 1 girl face,1 steamy dancer, 1 fairy, 1 dance sketch, Job done( Ladder cat),upside down cat,, active shapes( became cricket match) , rosy ring, , cricket match, Edwardian girl, modern girl, added a flower to girl face, added a bunch of flowers to long necked girl, did ring work,
Orders: Octopus, dahlia washer, 2 big frogs, N sth panels, umbrella stand, inside firewood holder, outside firewood holder, finished truck and finished flower trolleys
Garden art: 1 emu, 22 flowers , small cat,2 dragonflys, 2 pelicans, 1 bee, 2 birdfeeders,3 dogs,
Work done Feb
Big pieces: : Star ship, Dig, big ball,
Small pieces: eyeball: joyful girls,2 redgum and metal pen holders
Garden art: 4 birdfeeder, 20 flowers,1 water meter cover camel,1 chook,6 kookas 1 dog
Orders part of:truck for simone, Annes magnolia, Adeles shelf,678 house numbers
Furniture: red gum mirrors 2, fence post mirrors 2 small school tree mirror, ragged heart mirror,
Jan work
Big pieces: up and down, Not the center of the universe
Little pieces: neds brothers,3 feather boxes,householders,imperfect 1 and 2,girl with black plaits,changes( birds) Ralph,5 small blue wrens,Homebodies, armchair traveller,, 4 snitches,My titanic moment 2,
Garden art: 4 birdfeeders, 4 peacocks, 1 pelican, 6 flowers,12 ducks, 8 chooks 3 kookas,, 2 dog, 9 birds, 3 elephants, air filter creature, beetle, echidna
Furniture: backless seat, Big backed seat,4 mirror frames
Orders:started 678 numbers, waca sign, started simones truck ,Emma’s panel,started junk ball,