Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818

Fashion Girl 3


�Fashion Girl 3�is a piece using formal fashion photos. I did 3 pieces as a series as I have enjoyed the process and am very happy with the finished result. I have always done drawings of people and life drawing too.I love the form of women( lumps and hair) more than the male form but as long as the pose is interesting there are possibilities.
I have interpreted this pose to reflect my dislike of the concept of throwaway fashion. Hence ,for the clothing ,I have used metal scrap. This seems to create a sort of dissonance with something beautiful, the pose, being made with �rubbish� yet the spacing and arrangement creates its own form of beauty. Ugly and beautiful interchange!
I guess my fashion girl�s clothes will last a bit longer than most fashion so that is part of the point! I have just modified this piece to have a better base than originally so the wheel is �new�!

Contact Laurie

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
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