Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818




I have been listening to the news of the latest Gaza conflict…horrendous and disheartening. I wondered how I would try to portray aspects of the conflict and this piece seems not too bad. The two sides sort of show that not all can be seen straightaway, and that the divisions are in something that really should be a unified people. I rejoice that we live in a country where there is room for all faiths and ways of living and we mostly get along harmoniously. The three rocks are symbols of the three faiths involved and the division at the base seems to be being torn apart. I have no solution except tolerance and working together yet I know that some people of these faiths can be prickly and so involved in their own world that they have little time or respect for others.

Contact Laurie

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
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