Visit the Red Tree Gallery & Laurie Collins Sculpture Garden! 420 MAIN JINDIVICK ROAD, JINDIVICK, VIC 3818

The Great Fish of Life (Thai Workshop 2)

I did this fish initially from the inspiration of seeing a fish form on a plate at a potter's studio that we visited in the last two days. It got me thinking that we had seen fish in all sorts of places from the White temple to domestic yards.Why do Thai's value fish so much? In reading, they seem to have developed from a river based culture and in many places fish quiet the mind and are an aid to contemplation.
I then thought what do fish mean to me! I have never caught a fish and I loath the idea of fishing as it seems a colossal waste of time... yet I can see that other would delight in chilling out in the quiet and peace of a river or stream
I have observed that fish swim in a certain direction and then for seemingly no reason they change direction. This is sort of like life and we often go along a path until some event precipitates change. ( also fish really swim in their world( water) and don't really realize there is the world above or below).
I have used entirely recycled material in this piece both as a statement that I value reusing materials and also to suggest that we are creating problems for ourselves by poisoning one of our main food sources...hence the belly of the fish especially is full of machine parts as symbolic of industrial waste. My fish is bigger than my characters as what ever happens to the fish we are part of it.
My characters are along for the ride( of life ) and although they think they can see where they are going my fish of life might have some new directions for them and they may be surpised by what ever eventuates.
Many of the other artists have also reacted to the Thai experiemce in some form and I am happy to add to this reflection. I was helped to create this piece by Patipat Lakdee and Wisit Arunrattananont and of course the wonderful staff of Naresuan University.
In Australia I would let this piece rust some before coating it in a protective clear paint.

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Contact Laurie

Laurie Collins

03 5628 5224
420 Main Jindivick Road, Jindivick VIC 3818
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